This is part 2 of a 3-post series regarding the critical role strong and trusted relationships play with employees, retention, and their job satisfaction. In the first post the data proved that employee relationships with their superiors is paramount to the employee’s life satisfaction. Drilling down a bit, this next set of data shows very clearly that an employee’s job satisfaction is very highly correlated to their direct relationship with their supervisor.
This level of satisfaction will directly affect retention which as we all know ultimately affects replacement costs, completing projects on schedule, and most importantly, customer satisfaction. With this critical importance of having solid, employee-centric and relationship-centric managers, I’m continually amazed at how often organizations will let marginal, if not sub-par, managers remain in their roles. It’s as if once someone has been promoted into a manager role it’s against an unwritten rule to return them to their original position. Yet the truth is that it’s not only better for the organization but even better for the manager themselves. Keeping individuals in roles in which they will not be successful is not doing them a favor.