Special Offerings

Event Technology Expertise

Special Offerings

Brian Scott has over 20 years of experience within the events and exhibitions industry. He entered the industry in 2000 as a manager of software engineering for a firm that was developing a virtual tradeshow product. This product and its associated staff were purchased in 2000 by a company that eventually became Experient and later Maritz Global Events.

As CIO for a service provider within the events industry, his time was spent engaging directly with event organizers either through client acquisition activities or customer support. He worked closely with event organizer technical and business leadership to understand their strategic objectives, challenges, and desires so that he could best direct the product development directives and technology teams within Experient/Maritz Global Events to meet market needs.

Brian engaged with trade association event organizers to work through challenges such as:

Brian is named on the first US patent awarded to Experient in 2019 for eventBit(TM), a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) attendee behavioral tracking and intelligence platform. eventBit has been deployed successfully for dozens of customer events, including the AEM’s Con-Expo Con-Agg, the largest tradeshow by square footage in the U.S.

Brian is a member of the Board of Directors for the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) since 2019. He has been a speaker at IAEE Expo Expo as well as PCMA’s Annual Meeting. He has chaired several committees within IAEE and has worked in several task forces to produce valuable content for association members.

Data Security, Privacy and Ownership Assessment

Data is one of the primary assets for any association or organization. Data regarding attendees or members and their interactions with the organization’s systems constitute significant value.  This data can be used to understand the interests of the users, create personalized experiences, make meaningful business connections, and help drive business growth. The increase in value of these digital assets is also accompanied with increased risk to the organization via cyber security breaches, privacy law failures, and data ownership confusion between the organization and their technology vendors. The cost of cyber insurance is skyrocketing as cyber security incidents increase.  Additionally, when organizations fail to implement proper security and privacy controls, they risk losing insurance coverage after security incidents have occurred.  These risks can damage an organization’s brand and can create devastating expense scenarios. Organizations must have a clear understanding of their risk position regarding Cyber Security, Data Privacy, and Data Ownership.  ClearTone Consulting offers an assessment service addressing all three areas and resulting in an executive assessment report that identifies the weaknesses and strengths of your organizations risk position.

Remote Worker Security Assessment

While 75% of organizations have moved to a hybrid work model , only 21% are confident that their infrastructure security can support long-term remote work with adequate security measures. In the haste to support the remote workforce at the start of the pandemic, many organizations took the “get it working first” mentality and subsequently sacrificed security. As the remote work model has prolonged, organizations have begun to address security concerns, but sufficient execution is still lacking and security resources are often spread too thin to adequately address gaps. With increased threats posed by phishing and ransomware in remote work settings, basic endpoint security and traditional cybersecurity training are no longer enough. The attack surface has expanded to every remote device and every email account, and organizations need to identify vulnerabilities and stop abnormal behavior in its tracks. It starts with a thorough understanding of the organization’s security posture as it relates to their remote workers and their networks.