I’m not ashamed of admitting it, sometimes the data that comes from McKinsey makes me chuckle. It’s that intrinsic data-geek thing I have going on, I suppose. In a recent study, they explored trends that seem to indicate significant change in the management paradigm. In the included graphic, please note the 2nd bullet in the upper right as well as the 2nd bullet in the lower left.
“Internal bureaucracy presents more friction than external interactions and free-market transactions.” Wow, that is a powerful statement. If you’re you are part of a leadership team in an organization in which this is true, I’m afraid there is a significant reckoning headed your way. To underscore this truth, they follow it up with “200 years of management thinking on control and predictability become obsolete.”
The bottom line is…if you’re not changing faster than your competitors and at least keeping up with your market, you’re living on borrowed time. Few understand this as comfortably as IT professionals because change has been their cornerstone for decades. If anything can be gleaned from the chaos of 2020, it’s that the change-able companies are the winners. Period.