Are you one of those folks that can’t wait until “everything gets back to normal”? Normal, in this sense, meaning the way that it used to be. I’m likely not the first person to let you know, that ship has sailed and the old normal is gone. The folks at McKinsey have found that the biggest shifts made during the crisis are also the most likely to stick around through the recovery. These are major changes we’re talking about such as shifts in customer needs or expectations, remote work force, migration to the cloud, increased customer demand for digital access to products/services, and increased focus on cybersecurity.
None of these things are going away and will likely increase. This means your organizations strategies must be updated to reflect these new realities. Lucky for me, as a businessperson that loves technology (as opposed to a technologist that loves business), I believe your most successful strategic plan should be heavily founded in leveraging technology in all areas of your business.
To reiterate my favorite business quote from Rupert Murdoch – “Big will not beat small anymore. It will be the fast beating the slow.”